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Our Alchemis AI suggests alchemists (users) a recipe of different DeFi protocols.

Users can change the recipe to their wishes. Alchemists then throw their ALS potions into the yield pot, together with other alchemists.

By doing that, their ALS potions are metamorphosed into other potions (tokens) that are automatically thrown into other pots (protocols).

These pots bring them interest on the foreign potions, which can then be metamorphosed back into the original ALS potion and taken back from the pot with profit.

Beside the main pot, there is also a pool, where alchemists can throw ALS potions and foreign potions together to start earning interest on both of their potions. Their potions are used for the spell that metamorphoses the ALS potions into foreign potions and back. (it is a liquidity pool)

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Some Quick Insight

True Diversification

Thanks to its complete Solana-ecosystem analysis, Alchemis offers a two-level diversification. The platform suggests investments in different protocols, which themselves are based on different tokens. The use of a wide range of protocols highly mitigates the risk of a critical loss due to an under-diversification. The second level grants users an exposition to multiple assets, thus highly reducing token-price related risks. Putting both strategies together, whilst only selecting the most trustworthy assets and protocols ensures users a low-risk high-return strategy.

High-level Security

Alchemis guarantees high standards in the selection of its protocol, putting additional weight in the security factor, in particular when interacting with bridges and liquidity aggregators. Since the AI-analysis is done on every protocol on the Solana blockchain, these platforms must meet the high-standards Alchemis has in its selection, hence investor profiles with low risk-tolerance will never have their funds invested in smaller than big-cap tokens in well-trusted protocols. Additionnaly, users' funds never leave their own wallet, Alchemis' smart contract only connects other protocols to the user, without ever taking ownership or management of the assets.

Complete Customization

With its advanced customization mechanism, Alchemis aims at reaching out to as many user profiles as possible. Customization is done at multiple levels. First, each user can select their risk-tolerance, adapting their investments to their potential loss acceptance. Secondly, users may also indicate their expected deposit period, which might influence the investment strategy. After a few more less important steps, users can manually adapt the suggested allocation to best fit their individual needs. This is how Alchemis ensures customers the best possible experience in the Solana DeFi sector.

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Alchemis Finance provides insights and analysis based on data from decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. We do not offer financial, investment, or legal advice. All information presented is for educational and informational purposes only. Cryptocurrency and DeFi investments involve significant risks, including the loss of principal. Users are responsible for conducting their own research and should consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Alchemis Finance is not liable for any losses or damages incurred through the use of our services. The use of our platform signifies your agreement to this disclaimer and our terms of service.